Crossover Mac Student Discount

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06-23-2016, 01:48 AM (This post was last modified: 06-23-2016, 02:07 AM by Sonatina.)
From what I have found across the internet while trying to get PCSX2-CE running using Wineskin, many people have had a lot of difficulty getting it working. I myself could not make Wineskin work and honestly, you are unlikely to get any help using wineskin here due to the infrequency of replies and lack of anyone that actually knows what they're doing.
My solution: CrossOver
CrossOver is a PAID wine-based program by a group of people called CodeWeavers. It is much, much easier to use than Wineskin, and still cheaper and easier on your computer than programs such as Bootcamp. Besides they have an educational discount so if you're a student or teacher at any educational level, they'll take 30% off. I suggest that you start off with the 14-day trial version, however, to make sure you get everything up and running on your machine before paying anything.
How to get PCSX2 working on your Mac using CrossOver:
Step 1: Install CrossOver
Download and install CrossOver onto your Mac. I recommend that you start out with the free trial version so that you can be sure this method will get PCSX2 working on your machine. This worked for me, but PCSX2 is a finicky beasty.
Get the free trial version here:
Get CrossOver full version here:
*Note:* If you are eligible for the educational pricing, all you have to do is ask them, but you can't get the discount after you purchase the software. Ask for educational pricing by following the link below and sending a message to their sales team. Be sure to include the name of your educational institution and the nature of your affiliation (student, teacher, administrator, etc.)
Step 2: Download PCSX2 1.0.0 for Windows
Version 1.0.0 is the latest PCSX2 version that works using CrossOver. Get the Standalone Installer here:
Step 3: Download DirectX 11
DirectX is a software designed by Microsoft that is required by PCSX2 in order to correctly display game video. DirectX is free, and while it comes standard on Windows, you can get it here:
Step 4: Install PCSX2 Using CrossOver
-Open CrossOver and select the Install a Windows Application button.
-Under 'Select an Appication to Install' type in 'PCSX2 1.0.0' and double click where it lists 'PCSX2 1.0.0 Unlisted Application' and hit Continue.
-Under 'Select Installer' click 'Choose Installer File' and choose the PCSX2 1.0.0 setup .exe that you downloaded in step 2. Click Continue.
-Under 'Select Bottle' Choose Windows Vista and name the bottle 'PCSX2 1.0.0.' Click Continue. Click Continue.
-Under 'Install and Finish,' click Install.
-A window will pop up prompting you to install PCSX2. Follow its instructions. Change the location for PCSX2 to somewhere that you will be able to find easily. Install C++ when it prompts you. Near the end of the installation process, a window will pop up claiming that dxwebinstall.exe (or dxwesetup.exe) has encountered an error and needs to close. This is okay. Just close the error window, and allow PCSX2 to finish the installation.
-After PCSX2 is installed, close the installer window and allow CrossOver to finish. Click 'Done.'
-Go to the location where you chose to install PCSX2 1.0.0. Open the PCSX2 1.0.0 folder and within it create a new folder called 'bios.' Place your legally obtained bios within this folder. For more info on bios and how to get them from your PS2, look elsewhere in this forum.
Step 5: Install DirectX 11 Using Crossover
-Open CrossOver and select the Install a Windows Application button.
-Under 'Select an Application to Install' type in 'DirectX 11' and double click where it lists 'DirectX 11 Unlisted Application' and hit Continue. Do not install DirectX 9 or any of the other Direct X applications that come up when you start to type the name.
-Under 'Select Installer' click 'Choose Installer File' and choose the Getintopc DirectX 11 .exe file that you downloaded in Step 3. Click Continue.
-Under 'Select Bottle' Choose the bottle you made in Step 4, 'PCSX2 1.0.0.' If you don't install DirectX and PCSX2 within the same bottle, your PCSX2 will not have video and only audio will play when you run an ISO. Click Continue.
-Under 'Install and Finish,' click Install.
-A window will pop up prompting you to install DirectX. Follow its instructions.
-After DirectX is installed, close the installer window and allow CrossOver to finish. Click 'Done.'
Step 6: Open PCSX2 through CrossOver
-Open Crossover and open the PCSX2 app located within your PCSX2 bottle.
-Configure PCSX2 1.0.0 using the Official Guide Video that you can find here:
You are now ready to play your legally obtained ISO's. Happy Gaming!
*Note:* I will be recieving email notifications of any comments posted to this thread, so I should be able to respond to any questions you may have reguarding PCSX2 via CrossOver.

This page contains information and answers to frequently asked questions about CrossOver and Licensing.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

  • If you have purchased CrossOver within the last 30 days and feel that you did not receive good value, we would ask that you allow us to help you resolve the problems you are having. Please contact us, and let us see how we can assist you. If we are unable to fix your problem, we will cheerfully refund your money.

Support and Upgrade Policy

  • Support and Upgrades only apply to the One Year, and One Lifetime purchases. The One Version purchase, does not receive support nor upgrades.
  • During their support period, CodeWeavers customers will receive all product upgrades and releases at no additional charge. This includes point releases (bug fixes), major releases, and unsupported builds.
  • Likewise, during their support period, CodeWeavers customers qualify for free support via email. For more information on how to use our support system, please view the support section of our website.
  • Customers have a perpetual license to use and redownload any version they were entitled to during their support period, even long after the support period ends.
  • CrossOver is a per-user license and you can install CrossOver on as many machines as you like, but only one person may use CrossOver simultaneously per-license.
  • We offer discounted support extensions to customers who wish to receive support or a new version of CrossOver after their original support period expires. This discount is available for up to 30 days after a customers support period expires.

How To Upgrade

  • CrossOver Mac: Launch CrossOver, go to the CrossOver menu, and pick Check For Updates. CrossOver will upgrade itself to the latest version that you have an entitlement for.
  • CrossOver Linux: You can also login to your account and go to My Downloads to redownload the last version of CrossOver you're able to unlock.
  • To check if your CrossOver entitlement is still active go to My Orders and if your entitlement has expired you can purchase a new one at our Store. You will then be able to download and unlock the latest version of CrossOver from My Downloads.

Educational Discounts

  • CodeWeavers offers special discounts for students, teachers, and educational institutions on some of our products.
  • To sign up, contact our Sales Team and state you would like to get an educational discount before your purchase. Please let us know what educational institution you're from, and the nature of your affiliation with that institution. We will provide you with an account that gives you access to our educational pricing.
  • To view our current educational pricing, please see our Product Pricing Table.
  • Note: We provide generous discounts to the educational community. However, due to the need to keep our accounting as simple as possible, we cannot provide educational discounts on purchases that have already been made! In order to qualify for these great discounts, you must contact us before you make your purchase. Fair's fair.

Truth in Advertising: The Real Dirt

Tangible things you will get now:

  • The ability to easily install and run many Windows applications.

    You'll be able to start those Windows applications from your dock or whatever menu you like best. Applications, notably games, will run at essentially the same speed as they do on Windows. And all of this without having to buy or run a copy of Windows itself.

  • Kick-ass support

    Paying customers can submit problems to our elite Ninja support team. As of September 2015, their average response time was 2.5 hours per email. Obviously, some responses are a great deal faster, and some slower. But the bottom line is that we respond to all of our customers as quickly as we can. So if you don't hear back quickly, check your spam folder. You can refer to our support page for details on all of our support options.

The Catch:

  • Not everything works.

    The catch is that CrossOver doesn't run every Windows program, and some programs that do run, run with flaws. We have excellent resources to help you see whether or not your application works in our Compatibility Center, and a lot of other tips and support options in our support center.

Tangible things you will get in the future:

  • Support and upgrades

    During your one year support period, you will be able to download all versions released and you will be able to obtain technical support. Upon the expiration of that time period, all customers will still be able to download the most current version of the software that they received while under the support agreement, forever (or at least as long as we can practically make that possible). See our Upgrade Policy for more information on how to upgrade.

  • Community resources

    We're committed to providing community resources so that our customers can help each other. The Compatibility Center is key to that - with tips and tricks, discussion forums, and much more. We also continue to host the Wine website so that you can always turn to the broader Wine community.

    We also provide forums to foster direct communication between our customers and so that you can exchange tips and learn from the experience of each other.

Intangible benefits you will get:

  • You will be helping to provide a much needed source of income to a Free Software company that has provided a large range of valuable improvements to one of the most key Free Software Projects - Wine. You can see a list of what we have done on our Support Wine page.

    CodeWeavers will use the revenue from the end user version of CrossOver to continue its work on Wine as well as to enhance and improve our products.

CrossOver and Microsoft

The interaction of CodeWeavers' CrossOver products with those of Microsoft raises legal issuesaround what Windows software can be run under Wine. In order to help our customersbetter understand these issues, CodeWeavers has compiled a list of commonly askedquestions and their answers.

Q.Can Microsoft sue CodeWeavers or its customers for copyright infringement orreverse engineering, either for Windows or its Windows applications such as MicrosoftOffice?

A.No.The underlying technology utilized by CodeWeavers to enable Windows softwareto run under Linux is an open-source technology called Wine.Wine has been developed completely independently, with no reverse engineering and no access toMicrosoft source code. The Wine source tree, with a complete revision history since the inceptionof the project, is freely available to the public, and demonstrates that Wine is strictlyseparate from Microsoft's proprietary code base.

Q.Can Microsoft prevent CodeWeavers' customers from running Microsoft applicationson Linux?

A.No.Microsoft's end-user licenses do not preclude operating their applications under other operatingsystems. Were Microsoft to attempt to prohibit such usage, by requiring that Microsoft productsbe run only on the Windows OS, they would be in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. TheSherman Act precludes making the usage of a non-monopoly product dependent on the purchase of amonopoly product. Microsoft has been convicted of monopolistic practices under the Sherman Actregarding their operating systems. As a result, they cannot legally make the Windows OS aprerequisite for running a Windows software application.

Q.Isn't Wine a risky new technology?

A.No.In fact, Wine has been in active use since 1993. Since then, it has beenadopted by many large companies and integrated into their products, including Borland®,Google®, IBM® and Sun Microsystems® (now Oracle®). Wine is a stable, well-understood technology that is beingcontinuously refined and enhanced.

Q.Can Microsoft change its Win32 application programming interface (API) and break Wine?

Crossover Mac Student Discount Computers

A.Sure, if they also wanted to break every other application on the planet. There is a common misperception that Microsoft changes the Win32 API on a constant basis, making it difficult for Wine to 'keep up'. This isn't true at all, since changing the API would break Microsoft's existing codebase, as well as those of many other software developers. So long as other software vendors produce or support programs for multiple versions of Windows, Wine will work too.

Further Help

Mac Student Discount

If you can't login or are having trouble downloading CrossOver please Contact Us