Omnisphere 2 Crackling

12th April 2011
Omnisphere 2 cracked windows

Mediafire Omnisphere 2 Download


Omnisphere 2 Crackling Issue I know this doesn't really fit the type of synthesizers usually posted here, but I'm at a bit of a loss here. Downloaded Omnisphere and Keyscape a few weeks back, absolutely love the sounds I can get out of them.

Gear Head

So I just got Omni and it seems to have horrible crackles and pops when using more than a single key. So if i just play notes I am fine more than that horrible.
I adjusted the latency.. didnt help. Anyone have any ideas?
Important specs:
Win 7 x64
Cubase 6
i750 processor
24GB Ram
7200 rpm drives...
I can run 28 instances of Play at 24bit w/o a single issue in this same session. Only Omni is giving my problems.
I will contact their support but was hoping someone knew of something to try while I wait.

Omnisphere 2 Cracked Windows
